What does product availability mean?

Product availability lets you know when a product is likely to be dispatched. There are a number of availability messages:

  • Pre-order - this item has not yet been released and will be dispatched in time for the release date
  • In stock dispatched within 24 hours - this item is in stock in our warehouse and will be dispatched within 24 hours of successful payment
  • Usually dispatched within 3 days - this item is not in stock at the warehouse, but our supplier has the item in stock
  • Usually dispatched within 1 week - this item is in stock at the manufacturer
  • Usually dispatched within 1 month - this is a special order item from the supplier and is usually sourced within 1 month
  • Temporarily unavailable - this item is out of stock with no availability dates at the moment
  • Sold out - this item is currently not available

For deliveries inside the UK please remember to add postage time (2-3 working days) to obtain a complete estimate of when you can expect your item to be delivered.

For deliveries outside the UK remember to add postage time (15 working days) to obtain a complete estimate of when you can expect your item to be delivered.

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